Stress Less and Conquer Finals

Summer is just around the corner with only five weeks left in school. It’s crazy to think the school year is already coming to a close and finals are almost upon us. College students are some of the worst, but also the best, procrastinators of all time. It’s easy to fall into the “only focus on school work when you have to” routine. Sometimes that procrastination pays off, but most times it doesn’t. We find ourselves looking over our final grades during summer and being disappointed with the result. Why are we so disappointed when it’s our own fault? Instead of making up those excuses or blaming others for your problems, get up and be active. 


  • Set Up Study Groups.  It’s a known fact that studying last minute isn’t the best way to comprehend your schoolwork. Asking a couple of your classmates to meet up for a study group is an effective way to study. This way you can get their opinions on complicated problems or simply find out they do not understand the same concepts you’re struggling with. Group work is usually more time efficient so you can cover more information in a shorter period of time. 


  • Exercise Outdoors. During the week of finals we forget about our physical health because our mind is so consumed. When we stay indoors for long periods of time it can get depressing, that’s why it’s important to get outside and workout. Whether it’s a jog through the park or a leisure hike through the forest, the outdoors will bring you a fresh new perspective when you get back to studying. It might even give you more energy than before. 


  • Eat Clean. Sometimes the worst part about studying is how time consuming it is. Finding time to cook a decent meal seems virtually impossible. It’s important not to take short cuts and grab a candy bar to satisfy hunger. Pack an apple or banana in your backpack for a quick bite or maybe some trail mix. Healthy alternatives need to be easily accessible so you don’t get tempted to buy fast food or candy. 


We hope these tips will help you stress less and be more successful on your finals. Don’t forget that having fun is just as important as studying! 

5 Easy Ways To Have A Healthy Summer

The winter months have flown by and warmer weather is fast approaching. Along with the warm weather comes a laid back attitude. It’s easy to get caught up in the summer atmosphere and push our health to the side. Here are five easy ways to stay healthy while maintaining that easygoing attitude.


  • Enjoy Summer Foods. Summer is the ideal time to indulge in fresh seafood from your local grocery store. Whether it is salmon, tuna, or lobster, seafood is a great way to enjoy a low-calorie, high protein meal. You can partner your yummy fish with seasonal fruits and veggies. Eating the same vegetables every meal gets boring, summer provides an array of fresh new choices. Adding colorful mix veggies to your meals is an easy way to spruce it up.


  • Snack at Work. Bringing small snacks to work to eat throughout the day will help keep you energized and prevent you from overeating. It is better to eat five to six small meals throughout the day instead of two or three big meals. Our metabolism has an easier time breaking down smaller meals than larger ones. Don’t feel guilty eating numerous healthy snacks because it’s actually better for you.


  • Downsize Dinnerware. Don’t go out and buy new dinnerware, just use the small plates instead of the larger ones. The saying, “you eat with your eyes,” is very true. Not only does it pertain to what our food looks like but also the portions on our plate. If there is a larger plate in front of us we tend to place more food on it. The use of small plates tricks our mind into thinking smaller portions are larger than they appear.


  • Eat healthy at the beach. Summer is the season to spend time at the beach. It’s easy to fall into the high-calorie barbecue and ice cream diet. Instead of falling victim to unhealthy food be prepared and pack a cooler with lots of water, whole-grain bread sandwiches, and pita chips to avoid temptations. This way you’ll have healthy alternatives available without having to leave your beach chair.


  • Cook Together. Involve your friends and family in your healthy lifestyle for summer. Having familiar faces encourage healthy behavior is a great way to keep motivated. Getting everyone involved is a good bonding and learning experience. This way it will be easy to fill the house with healthy alternatives because everyone will be on board. 


We hope these tips will help you lead a healthier, happier life. To find out more about how to enjoy a healthy summer please visit

I Don’t Know About You, But I’m Exhausted

Most of the time it’s easy to use the excuse “I have too much to do, but I’m too tired to do it.” Our body’s energy levels fluctuate throughout the day in response to many different factors. Sometimes it’s hard to pin point what exactly is causing us to feel so tired. Instead of using tiredness as an excuse it’s time to get up and get active. Here’s a few ways to help eliminate those energy zappers.


  • Eat Breakfast! It might sound simple but only about 44% of Americans eat breakfast everyday. Breakfast is a great way to get your metabolism going and boost your energy levels. Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast feel better mentally and physically than those who skip it. It can be as easy as a bowl of cereal or a cup of yogurt. Taking five minutes out of your morning routine will set you up for a positive and energy filled day.


  • Stay Hydrated. Our body is composed of almost 60% water; it’s easy to understand why it is so important. Not only will staying hydrated have good influences on your energy levels but it also can help with skin health, bowel movement, and control calorie intake. If you’re not a water drinker there are some alternatives. For example, you could eat more vegetables and fruit because they contain high levels of natural water content. Keeping a water bottle on hand or in your car is also a good way to remind yourself to stay hydrated.


  • Listen to Music. Sticking some headphones on and zoning out to some good tunes is a great stress reliever and energy increaser. Studies have shown that listening to music can distract you from the feeling of fatigue. Try making a “Pick Me Up” playlist and listen to it anytime you start feeling down or tired.


  • Let the Bad Feelings Go. A lot of times it’s easy for us to hold negative feelings in instead of venting them. Whether it is a grudge we hold toward someone or simply anxiety, emotional baggage drains our mental well being and our energy levels. Nursing these feelings tells our body that we are under more stress than we actually are which causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Letting go and forgiving makes us happier and better people


  • Put On Your “Power” Suit. When sweats seem like the best option it’s better to choose the nicer alternative. It might feel weird to be choosing a skirt or shorts over sweats but image can be everything. Wearing clothes that reflect your internal state reinforces lousy feelings. Looking in the mirror and seeing an energizing image instead of a tired one does wonders for your body mentally and physically.


We hope these tips will help you lead a healthier, happier life. To find out more about how to increase your energy levels please visit

Make your New Year’s Resolutions Stick in 2014

It’s that time of year again where everyone sets out to make New Year’s Resolutions, in hopes of making a change in their life at the start of a new year. Unfortunately, only about 8 percent of people who make resolutions actually achieve them, while the other 35 percent get discouraged or too busy in the midst of their goal. According to, the most popular New Year’s resolutions people make include eat healthy food, get fit, lose weight, manage stress, help others and more. We want to see you succeed in your New Year’s resolutions because we understand how hard it can be to stick to goals that seem so daunting at first. Here are some tips to hopefully help you achieve your goals and make those changes in your life.

  • Be diligent about your goal. In order to stick with your resolution, you need to muster up the willpower to resist temptation. This isn’t something that will come naturally for all, and for most of us, it is something we have to remind ourselves of daily.
  • Focus on one change at a time. Just one resolution will actually require many behavior changes, not just one, so trying to conquer multiple resolutions at the same time is almost impossible. Think about various strategies you can use to achieve the one goal you are working on, and it will be much easier for you to stick with it when the going gets tough.
  • Break up your goal. Self-control isn’t easy for anyone, and when we’re trying to make a change in our lives it can sometimes be hard to muster the control we need. To make it easier on yourself, break your goal up into baby steps that will be easier to achieve and not require more self-control than you have at one time. All the little successes you have will give you the confidence and determination to keep moving toward your overall New Year’s resolution.

For more information on how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions, visit WebMD.

We hope you will be able to stick to your resolutions in the new year, as we try to do the same thing. Wishing you all the best in 2014 for a happy and healthy year!

It’s About Time!

Courtesy of NAU News

Happy Graduation to all you graduates out there! You Finally did it, you completed college and now you’re going out into the real world, as an educated adult. So, now what?

That seems to be the million dollar question…what happens after college? Luckily there are numerous options for grads, such as internships (don’t let that word fool you), starting a full time job, furthering your education with a master’s degree and more. Let’s touch on internships because they’re often associated with undergraduates and are usually unpaid. However, many internships for college graduates are paid and are a smart way to land that first full time job. So don’t run away from an internship right away, research it and see if it would be a good fit for you; you never know where it will lead.

Moving onto more interesting topics. Now that you’re done with school, you don’t have to think about so many things you always had to remember. Here’s a list of things you no longer have to remember now that you’re a graduate:

  1. Going to class…and getting there on time.
  2. Homework assignments.
  3. Group meetings.
  4. Eating meals.
  5. Staying up ’til the early hours of the morning studying.
  6. Grades.
  7. Deadlines.
  8. Making time to see friends.

So with all this extra thinking time on your hands, here are some fun things you can think about that you didn’t have time to before:

  1. What to do with yourself all day.
  2. All the friends you finally have time to hang out with.
  3. Finally feeling rested after waking up from an 8 hour slumber.
  4. A new hobby you always wanted to do but never had time for.
  5. Slowly finding a full time job.
  6. Learning how to cook real meals for yourself.

The transition from college life to post-grad life may seem a little strange at first, but I’m sure it will find you well once you get used to it. We want to congratulate all of our Fall 2013 graduates, and wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors whatever they maybe. Remember, you can always call Flagstaff home. Once a Lumberjack, always a Lumberjack!

Kick axe out there, Jacks!



Have a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season!

If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you are feeling the crunch of the semester with finals, gearing up for the holidays and the anticipation of everything you still have to do! Unfortunately, this is also the time when many people feel a decrease in energy and often catch a cold.  Since nobody enjoys being sick and staying in bed all day, how can you feel revived, fight those nasty colds and persevere through the last of the semester? We have some tips that we hope will leave you feeling your best!

  1. Get those Z’s! When lack of sleep becomes normality, people can suffer from weight gain, high blood pressure and a weaker immune system. By clocking those seven to eight hours of sleep each night, you will be able to remember information better, increase your mood, maintain your weight, and lower stress levels. Who doesn’t want all those benefits from getting a good night’s sleep?!
  2. Stay active. Remaining active, even when you’re is feeling like you have no time left in your day, will benefit you in the long run. Exercising on a regular basis will give you more energy to complete all your tasks and studying, and will also lift your mood and make you feel better. I know it’s tough dragging yourself to the gym, but I also know how amazing it feels when you finish your workout!
  3. Drink that H2O! Water has many benefits within hydrating your body. It will help you feel more energized and control your caloric intake. Drinking enough water will also help your cognitive function, allowing you to improve brain performance…and with finals, everyone can use a little more brain function!

It’s important to maintain your body’s health all the time, but especially when stress levels are high and finals are taking over, it’s pertinent to keep your body up and running. Try our tips listed above and you will notice an increase of energy and cognitive function during this busy time of the year!

How to Beat Those Crazy, Scary, Stressful Finals

Finals are right around the corner, which usually means high stress levels and lack of sleep among students. Luckily there are active ways you can relieve your stress depending on your personal preferences! The most popular exercises for stress relief are Yoga and Pilates, walking, and circuit training; all of which can be done on your own or at NAU’s Recreation Center.

  • Yoga and Pilates

Yoga is known to help calm the mind and relax the body, but it also helps relieve stress. Pilates can be more intense than yoga because it focuses on core strength and stability, requiring mental concentration. But Pilates can help reduce back and neck pain, which often come from stress.

  • Walking

If you’re looking for something to do on your own, or in your spare time, walking is a great way to stay fit and reduce stress levels. Regular walking can boost your mood and self-confidence, while decreasing any anxiety and stress.

  • Circuit Training

Maybe you are is looking for a workout to get your blood pumping and sweat dripping instead; if that’s the case then circuit training is for you. This high intensity workout releases feel-good endorphins and packs in a great workout in a short amount of timeperfect for study breaks.

If you’re wondering how exercise even reduces stress, I did a little research on the internet and found some helpful information from Below are some of the few ways working out can help you get a handle on your stress levels.

  • Exercise helps keep all your body systems in sync, which is important when stress arises. In order for your body to react well and properly to stress, it’s pertinent for the body systems to be working together efficiently.
  • Working out makes you happy!! Although this idea isn’t 100% scientifically proven, exercising has been shown to release more endorphins, which are natural pain killers that give you a “high” feeling after workouts.
  • The rhythm of exercising, whether running or cycling, can help relax your mind. It’s one of the best times to just focus on yourself and your surroundings, and let go of all life’s worries.
  • Exercising leads to better sleep at night. We all have those weeks when we feel as though we could sleep forever, and the last thing we want to do is workout. Getting in that workout though, can break your bad sleeping cycle and give you more energy during the day.

If you want more information on how exercising can reduce your stress, read the rest of the article at:

Remember to listen to your body and tune into what is really needs. No one knows your body’s signals better than you!

Don’t Let the Gym Stump You!

Have you ever walked into the gym, ready to workout, then realized you have no clue what type of workout you want to do?

Well, that’s not uncommon. It’s happened to me and I’m sure it’s happened to many other people before too. To try to help you out, I’m going to walk you through how I decide what type of workout I want to do beforehand, so the gym doesn’t stump me!

  • When I’m planning on doing a workout on my own and not attending and group exercise class, I like to be prepared so I can be as efficient as possible in the gym.
  • The first thing I consider is which muscle group(s) I want to work that day. This can depend on many things, such as what muscles I recently worked, which muscles I want to focus on and what muscle groups I might be working the next day.
  • Once I get my muscle group narrowed down, I list out anywhere from 3-5 exercises I can do and order them in the most effective way possible.

I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy doing circuit workouts. Now, I’m definitely not an expert with circuit training but I have learned a little bit from various group exercise classes. Circuits are a great way to keep your heart rate up when you’re working out, and they won’t completely burn out the muscles you’re working right away.

  • I prefer choosing 3 different exercises and rotating them. After one rotation, I take a break, and repeat that rotation 3-4 times. This is just an example, you can do circuits however you like, but I have found this to be effective for my workouts.
  • I also like to add in some cardio to my workouts, whether that’s running on the treadmill, the elliptical or the StairMaster. I tend to do a little cardio before and after to bookend my workouts. It’s a great way to get your heart pumping and blood flowing after you’ve been doing some strength training.
  • I always make sure I do a warm up and a cool down after my workouts, which includes stretching too. It’s important to make sure your body is warmed up before you throw it into a workout, and you want to focus on stretching out those muscles you used after.

I think it’s wise to really only choose one or two muscle groups you want to workout, because otherwise you’re going to be in the gym for over an hour…and let’s be honest, no one has time for that! We want our workouts to be quick and efficient, and get the most bang for our buck when we’re at the gym.

So next time you’re planning to go to the gym, try taking 10-15 minutes beforehand to plan your workout. It will help you be more confident and efficient in the gym, and those are two things you won’t regret!

Myth Busters!

Exercise Truth vs. Myths

Myth: Exercising in cold weather makes you more susceptible to injuries.

True! If you are exercising outside in inclement weather, you will have a higher probability of injuring yourself, but there are precautions you can take to prevent injuries.

  • It’s important to check the weather ahead of time to make sure you won’t find yourself in a snowstorm.
  • Take extra time to warm up before you start an intense workout. Your muscles will take longer to get warm because of the cold weather.
  • Go inside and get warm after your workout, don’t remain outside because it wont be good for your muscles.

Myth: I won’t feel the effects of high altitude because I am in good shape.

Busted! Even if you are physically fit, you are not immune from experiencing the side effects of altitude change. Your cardiovascular and respiratory systems have to work harder to compensate for less oxygen at higher altitudes; it will take any person a couple days to adapt to the lack of oxygen.

Myth: I can’t workout when I have a cold.

Busted! Regular exercise helps fight against colds and maintains your immune system, but if you find yourself with a head cold it’s still encouraged to workout lightly. If you’re exercising with a cold, it’s important to listen to your body to know when you need to slow down or stop. Be aware if you’re taking decongestants that your heart rate will increase, so make sure it doesn’t get too high while you’re exercising.

Myth: Not drinking enough water before and during a workout can hinder your workout.

True! When you are well hydrated before a workout, you will feel stronger and will be able to workout longer. Many athletes underestimate how much water they need, and often don’t give their bodies the adequate amount of water needed for exercise.

  • Start hydrating 1-2 hours before your workout, and take your last drink of water 15-30 minutes before you begin.
  • During your workout, hydrate every 15 minutes to replenish your body with the water it loses.

Myth: Weight lifting will cause women to bulk up.

Busted! Women won’t bulk up by lifting weights like men do. Their bodies are built differently and they don’t contain the necessary testosterone levels to bulk. Doing fewer repetitions with heavier weights will just help women tone their muscles.

Some myths are in-fact true, but don’t be fooled by the ones that are busted!

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain This Fall

Cookies, cakes, pies, candy…it seems when the holiday season comes, so do all those delicious treats we hate to love! So how do you still enjoy those savory treats without adding on the extra pounds that always seem inevitable? I did a little researching and pulled together some informative tips that will help all of us have a happy and healthy holiday season.

1) Get up and Move!

Whether this means taking a 20 minute walk, doing an intense cardio workout, or something in-between, make sure you are moving every single day. Not only will this help you burn more calories, but your metabolism will stay fired up for the next 24 hours. Another bonus is that you will feel better about yourself, the health halo affect, and you will ultimately make better food choices throughout the day.

2) The Scale is Your Friend

There are mixed emotions about stepping on the scale once a week, but if you’re wanting to control your weight you just might want to do a weekly weigh in. Even after you hit your weight goal, it’s important to still step on the scale to make sure you’re maintaining that weight. It’s easy to let it to start creeping back on, so keep an eye on the scale every now and then to make sure you’re where you want to be.

3) Let Yourself Indulge!

This is my favorite tip, as I’m sure it is yours. If you try to completely cut out all those yummy treats, you will most likely over indulge when you can’t restrict yourself anymore. So don’t hold back from reaching for a cookie or having a piece of pie once a week to satisfy your sweet tooth. In the long run this will help you stay slim and trim because you’re being flexible and allowing yourself to enjoy food. One thing that helps me is enjoying my weekly dessert with my fiancé or when I’m out with some friends, but that’s not to say that I don’t enjoy a sweet treat other days throughout the week. Just remember that everything in moderation is ok!

4) Have an Accountability Partner

Sticking to an exercise and meal plan is always easier when you have someone holding you accountable and doing it with you. Hit the gym with a friend to support and encourage each other, and treat yourself to that weekly dessert with your accountability partner. It will help you stay on track and be more fun when someone else is doing it with you!

I hope these tips help you to stay healthy this fall, but still allow you to enjoy the goodness of the season. If you have any tips of your own you’d like to share, post them on our Facebook page at NAU Campus Recreation, or tweet them to us @naucampusrec.

May the holiday season be sweet as can be for you!